Articles by brian

Python Exception Handling: Cleanup and Reraise

I've had this code around for a while and had an opportunity to drag it out the other day and dust it off. The problem: Every now and again there's a situation where you don't really want to catch an exception, but you do want to perform ...

Recovering Photos From a Bad Hard Drive

I've had a couple of friends ask me if there's any way I could read family photos off a dying hard drive. Obviously, the best way to do this is to have a backup: then you can throw out the hard drive (use an electronics recycler) and restore ...

Removing Defects From Django Apps

I'm working on a set of Django apps right now. Here are some of the things I'm doing to filter out defects as I work:

Design Review

I do a handwritten (paper) design. I like to design offline — I find that this forces me to do two things ...

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