Articles by brian

Change directories faster with zsh

Something I didn't know until recently:

zsh does not require cd to change directories.

Using the directory as a command implies "cd". For example, instead of doing:

me@server:/home/me $ cd /tmp
me@server:/tmp $

You can just do:

me@server:/home/me $ /tmp
me@server:/tmp $

That ...

Building a Single File Scala Executable

I'm from a C background with a hefty dose of Python, mostly on linux systems.

My preferred mode of delivering software is as a single executable file. I hate having to explain to users that they have to install a half-dozen support libraries. (This is less painful on modern ...

Getting Scalatest and Scalacheck to Work

ScalaTest is a decent library for testing scala code. It integrates with ScalaCheck for "property based testing". In this type of testing, you specify properties of a class or method, and the library generates test cases. I haven't done much property based testing, and it sounds interesting, so I ...

Getting Set up for Programming in Scala on Debian

Things we need to be able to use Scala on Debian (everything below will likely work on Ubuntu as well):

  • Scala itself, of course. apt-get install scala will pull in a bunch of packages -- all the java stuff, etc. However, note that sbt will happily pull down whatever version of ...

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