Articles by brian

Turning Photos to a DVD Slideshow

The task: take a bunch of photos from my digital camera and burn them to a DVD that would play the photos as a slideshow in any DVD player. (Actually, the task was to figure out how to do this in the simplest possible way, and make a set of ...

An Interesting pid File Race

ISC's dhcpd uses this code to check for an already-running daemon:

/* Read previous pid file. */
if ((i = open (path_dhcpd_pid, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
    status = read (i, pbuf, (sizeof pbuf) - 1);
    close (i);
    if (status > 0) {
        pbuf [status] = 0;
        pid = atoi (pbuf);        /* If the previous server process is not still running,
           write ...

Productivity: It Comes from Software Design Rather than Software Tools

I just read Scott Bellware's [Productivity: It Comes from Software Design Rather than Software Tools][].

These bullet points — the core of his argument — are excellent (quoted here): > - Design quality is the most important factor influencing > productivity in software development > - The things that obstruct quality degrade productivity > - The reductions in ...

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