Turning Photos to a DVD Slideshow

The task: take a bunch of photos from my digital camera and burn them to a DVD that would play the photos as a slideshow in any DVD player. (Actually, the task was to figure out how to do this in the simplest possible way, and make a set of ...

Tightening UFW Firewall Rules to Limit SSH Access

The auth.log on one of my servers (really, on all of the servers I have access to) is full of stuff like this:

Dec  8 03:19:33 localhost sshd[4718]: User root from not allowed [...]
Dec  8 03:19:35 localhost sshd[4721]: Invalid ...

Bug Bounty Programs

There are several companies offering "bug bounties" -- payments to people to find security bugs and report them responsibly.

I will update this page with links to the various bug bounty programs as I become aware of them. If you know of a program that is not linked here (or if ...

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