Articles by brian

Quick & Dirty “sniffer” for when you don’t have tcpdump

I recently needed a way to test if packets were reaching a linux device I'm testing. The device didn't have tcpdump installed, so I didn't have a real sniffer. Fortunately all I really needed was confirmation that packets were arriving. iptables to the rescue! Assuming there are ...

Make apt-get use an alternate sources.list

Since my [former] company's product is based on ubuntu, we use apt to distribute upgrades. We don't normally want customers to pull upgrades from the upstream distribution, so we've pruned back the main /etc/apt/sources.list to include just our server. We rename the original default ...

Makefiles are Software Too

This post was inspired by recent experience with some horrible build scripts from the open source world — but I've seen enough in-house badness over the years that I wanted to establish some basic parameters for build scripts.

This is a really broad way to divide the world, but I ...

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