Articles by brian

Getting Started in C

Some may argue that C is an outdated language to learn in 2009. I disagree. Learning C requires some degree of understanding how computers really work. And if you can understand pointers, you're ten steps ahead of the game.

This is the first in a series of articles designed ...

GTK3 Example Code

Over the past year or so I've been doing a fair bit of GUI programming -- both in ${DAYJOB}s and otherwise. Until just recently most of my GUI experience has been with wxWidgets (and most of that via wxPython). Lately I've wandered to GTK.

The documentation for both ...

Hassle Free Way to Kill Sudo'd Jobs

Every now and then I have to run a foreground job under sudo that doesn't want to die when I hit ^C. Then it's a hassle to ^Z, get the pid of the sudo job, and sudo kill that pid.

So I wrote a little script (or a ...

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